Associations with external companies can have a significant impact on Securitas’ reputation. Accordingly, it is crucial to conduct a thorough assessment of the external company’s values, practices and reputation before allowing them to use the Securitas brand as an endorsement.

This assessment should ensure that the external company’s actions and beliefs align with the brand values and goals of Securitas, thus reducing the risk of negative associations that could harm Securitas’ reputation.

A Securitas partner lockup

The three iconic dots together with the byline ’A Securitas partner’ can be used by a partner or supplier that needs to communicate a close partnership with Securitas.

A Securitas company lockup

The three iconic dots together with the byline ’A Securitas company’ can be used during a short transition period when a recently acquired company is being migrated in to the Securitas master brand identity.

Securitas in a client portfolio

If a client company wishes to include Securitas in their communication, they may use the Securitas master logotype. However, it is essential to follow the standard regulations outlined in the brand portal for the master logotype. All these inquiries should be thoroughly evaluated and approved by before published.