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© Securitas AB 2025. See a different world.
Tools and rules for a consistent brand
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Home Visual Identity Supporting Elements Iconography
Iconography allows for communication that transcends words and language. For a company that exists in over 50 markets globally, having a universal method of communication that informs, educates and reassures is an essential component of the brand identity. As such, Securitas have created and curated a range of bespoke icons that are visually inspired by our design DNA. Ensuring unified and accessible communication is a crucial part of conveying our desire to be helpful and approachable to all.
Securitas iconography consists of a range of functional icons and a smaller selection of pictograms.
The visual differentiation between Functional and Pictogram is included to maximise legibility and visibility for specific applications.
Functional icons
Letting our core elements influence our functional icons and pictograms, we extend the visual DNA that runs through our identity into the way we construct each individual icon.
Ensuring the DNA is present in each icon makes for maximum recognition, and is an effective way to make sure every component with the identity is connected to an overarching design language.
To create consistency, the icons are drawn on a 32x32px grid as a starting point. Always use this grid when creating pictograms in order to maintain a consistent and functional appearance.
The icons have been designed to work best in four sizes:
Format: 32x32px Pixel grid: 2px Stroke: 2px
When creating pictograms we use the same grid, but here we allow ourself to work with an extra stroke weight of 1px to be able to create more decorative and complex motifs.
Format: 32x32px Pixel grid: 2px Stroke: 2px + 1px
A defined corner radius is set to create a consistent style on all our icons. We work with a 1px circular radius for stroke endings and 2px for outer corners with an 90° angle on the inside. This ensures our iconography is consistent and well balanced.
Corner radius: 1px
Outer corner radius: 2px Interiors: 90°
Exceptions can be made when necessary to make the icon’s metaphor understandable or object shape clearly defi ned. Use an additional radius to make the metaphor reflect the real form of the object. The 2px radius can be increased by a multiple of two.
Corner radius: 4px
To create consistency, some of the icons have been updated to reduce the use of master shapes. This helps us ensure consistency in icons with similar proportions.
The functional icons are to be used for:
Our pictograms should be used to amplify and clarify information, services and/or instructions. Pictograms should only be used to represent information – never as illustrations or decor.
The primary use for pictograms is on plaques and signage, to visually represent the range of security services offered by Securitas.
Do not integrate pictograms into images.
The primary usage for our set of numerals is signage and wayfinding. Their relationship to the icon design DNA is intended to compliment iconography. An example of their usage is a meeting room number or floor/level number.
They should not replace the numerals from Securitas Pro in everyday design usage.