Our illustrations should only be used as supporting elements. They should never be used as the principal carrier of the brand and therefore should only be deployed in familiar contexts or settings.

Illustration should be used when conveying complex concepts and scenarios that cannot be achieved when utilising other brand elements. Illustration should also be considered when seeking to communicate in a more approachable, dynamic manner or when de-dramatising serious subject matter without compromising credibility.

All of our illustrations are drawn in an isometric perspective. This allows us to both depict macro scenes within society at large, as well as more specific technical detail, depending on the level of zoom in the composition. The isometric approach gives the additional benefit of creating a consistent, easily replicable style.

The illustrations are built on intricate line language that signal our deep expertise and holistic approach to securing what really matters. This is complemented by intentionally simplified depictions of people that emphasise our inclusive, humanistic approach. Our illustrations utilise our full brand palette, with the exception of introducing a range of fill colours to cater for skin tones.

Illustrating objects and environments

When illustrating objects and environments, we’re utilising strokes and a more technical linear visual approach. Though fills can still be utilised to add contrast to objects and depth through shading.

Incorporating people

We are utilising more fill colours when illustrating people. This makes the people stand out in our scenes as adding some dynamism to our compositions. Skin colours are always portrayed naturalistically. And we must be mindful 
to include a diverse range of people.

Common backgrounds

Our illustrations should only ever live on either a dark blue, white, or grey background.

We have developed a range of motifs based on levels of perspective. This allows us the flexibility to depict the full scale of our business impact; for example, our role in society at large inherent to our industry verticals, through to the intricacies of our products and services, right down to the personal nature of our working relationships.

In addition, this approach, in combination with our strict isometric style, allows us to develop multi-faceted illustrations in a consistent and scalable manner, avoiding any divergence of expression when depicting different concepts.

Macro perspective






Critical infrastructures









Mid-range perspective

Example scene: Technician installing a dome camera.

Micro perspective

Example scene: Security specialist interacting with a client.

When illustrating people it is important to consider the range of the zoom in the composition. We have created examples of how to depict people at different levels of perspective; from more simplified figures in our macro scenes, to more detailed when we use closer crops.

It is critical to ensure that the right style is applied to the right composition to avoid over-simplification in a more intimate scene or too much detail cluttering a more expansive composition.



